You might be surprised to learn that there are multiple types of insurance for churches. Here’s a handy overview for your convenience.

Your church is special. It’s more than a structure on land. It holds the hopes and passion of every one of your members inside.

The question isn’t whether or not to insure your church, but how best to.

There are a number of different types of insurance for churches. The key is deciding what’s right for your ministry.

Keep reading to learn and decide which types of coverage you need for your church.

Legal Coverage

Although churches are places of compassion and understanding, it’s a fact that they’re simply not immune to lawsuits. Whether it be from a member or guest, you need to have some basic legal coverage to safeguard your church in case of legal action.

This is typically called general liability insurance. It provides lawsuit protection in addition to preserving your church’s assets.

Often, a business partner (think: landlord) will require general liability coverage. This coverage will also cover medical expenses if someone is injured by negligence on the church’s property.

Property Coverage

This seems like a no brainer, but there are a lot of considerations with this one that often go overlooked. Property coverage doesn’t just include insuring the building you hold your sermons and ministry in.

Remember that everything inside the church is the church’s property too. Musical equipment and A/V equipment, like projectors and expensive speakers, need to be covered as well.

But what if it doesn’t fit inside the church…? Just because the item isn’t inside the church doesn’t mean it’s not important to insure as well. Ministry vans are a perfect example of items that need to be insured separately as property that occasionally leaves the grounds.

Here’s an important one that is absolutely essential: temporary property damage expenses. If the church sustains damage and regular operations cannot operate there but can operate elsewhere, your employees are going to need to get paid. Obtaining this coverage ensures that your ministry can still operate effectively while you rebuild.

Workers Compensation

Every establishment that has employees requires some sort of workers comp coverage. Insurance for churches is no different.

Requirements do vary from state to state, however. Make sure you are aware of the worker’s comp requirements in your state.

Even if your state’s requirements are lax, consider amping up your worker’s comp insurance regardless. Lax state regulations do not remove your church from liability for a workplace injury. It’s better to be prepared.

Accusation Insurance

The last thing you want is for your church’s reputation to become tarnished by negative accusations. Protestant Churches in America’s three major insurance companies reported that they receive 260 reports of sexual abuse of minors by clergy, staff, or other church relationships a year.

Sexual misconduct insurance can help pay for defense costs, even when it comes to false allegations.

Another important form of accusation insurance: covering potential discriminatory suits in light of same sex marriage becoming legal. This is a relatively new concern, but it’s becoming more and more worrisome for churches. Our religious expression coverage takes care of lawsuits filed against the church for discrimination.

Insurance for Churches: Not so Simple

There are so many different types of insurance for churches- it can be difficult to decide what insurance you need and what you don’t.

Don’t fret. Check out our Beginner’s Guide to Church Insurance to get the skinny on what exactly you need for your ministry!