Vivert and his wife Neelam care for one of the orphans we sponsor at their mission.

Many of you know that God has allowed us to start this ministry for persecuted children a couple of years ago. We were only able to host twenty children initially.

Need from the state of Orissa was so pressing that we recently have opened doors for more children. Eleven more came first and then recently nineteen have arrived. So, altogether we have 50 persecuted children at the mission now.

We are going through the same phase again through which we went when we started this ministry. The last few weeks, many of them got extremely sick.

There was a time when 22 of them were sick at a time. Most of our time went in dealing with their sickness. Last one was released from the hospital yesterday. Many of these children have seen and faced extreme situations.

Florida Church Bus Insurance

This 4 year old boy has seen both of his parents beaten severely.

Jango, who is the quietest boy among the children, always finds isolated place to sit quietly and hardly talks.

We have yet to see him smile.

This 4 year old boy has seen both of his parents beaten severely.

Persecutors removed every piece of clothing from his mother’s body in front of everyone and she was raped repeatedly. Later they took both the parents out of their home, removed the clothing of his father too and tied both of them to a tree outside and burnt their home.

Each of their families have stories of how they lost everything and faced persecution. I request you to please keep this ministry and these children in your prayers. I also request you to please pray for my wife Neelam. She is tirelessly working and trying to share the love of Christ with them to see a smile on their face.

After all this, last week Neelam and then myself got infection, had fever and were sick for the entire week. Now everyone is doing fine.

We also would like to share and request you to respond to the needs that we have for these children at present.

Thanks again for everything, Vivert.

Need – A

Details of requirements Indian Rs. U.S. $
Shoes @ 200 ( $3.70) x 30 (average cost taken) 6000 120
slippers @ 60 ($ 1.11) x 30 1800 36
socks @ 35 ($ 0.65) x 3 x 30 3150 63
Undergarments 50 ($ 0.93 x 2 x 3 (50x2x3=300×30 9000 180
Night dresses @ 200 ($ 3.70) x 2×30 12000 240
Casual dresses @ 500 ($ 9.26) x 30 15000 300
School dress @ 500 ($ 9.26) x 2 x 30 30000 600
wollen clothes @ 250 ($ 4.63) x 2 x 30 15000 300
School bag @ 200 ($ 3.70) x 30 6000 120
Mosquito Net @ 350 ($ 6.48) x 30 10500 210
Mosquito Net Pipes and fittings 10000 200
Steel Almirah @ 8500 ($ 157.41) x 15 127500 2550
Bed Sheets @ 250 ( $ 4.63) x 2 x 30 15000 300
Mattress @ 1500 ($ 27.78) 2 x 30 45000 900
Beds. @ 5400 ( $ 100.00) x 30 162000 3240.00
Special Medical needs of children (approximate) 108000 2160.00
5,75,950 11,519

Need – B

Bus for transporting children from campus to school/church/other place 13,80,000 27,600
Need – A 5,75,950 11,519
Need – B 13,80,000 27,600
Total (Need – A + Need – B) 19,55,950 39,119
Note: $ 1 = INR 50 (Approximately)