Prevent the local news channel from parking a van with a live feed at your church.

Even a false allegation can destroy years of good will in your community.

The child protection policy at your church should have a minimum of four parts:

  1. Criminal background check consent forms should be obtained on everyone who works with minors (under age 18).
  2. Your church should have a formal written policy designed to protect children and inform employees and volunteers of local church guidelines and procedures.
  3. Everyone must be with your church  or organization for at least six months before being considered in a position which interacts with minors.
  4. No minor should ever be alone with only one adult at a church sponsored activity.

In addition, your church should have procedures to deal with convicted offenders who worship at your church. It is for their protection as well as to prevent false accusations.

To ignore the realities of today is to invite disaster.