I have been in a state of mild depression lately.

Recently, I have been disappointed (in biblical proportions) by something I thought was in my control that did not turn out as I expected. It has been years since I can remember being more disappointed.

A few days earlier my wife and I decided to sponsor an orphan from India.

The young boy’s parents were killed for the crime of being an unwavering witness for Jesus. I have first hand knowledge of this ministry so I have total confidence our contribution goes for the child.

Today I decided to pray for him.

His name is Abhisbek.

He is almost 7 years old. I thought of him growing up without parents or family.

I began to visualize him as he grew into his teen years and beyond.

  • How would he deal with being an orphan?
  • Does he have a best friend among the other children?
  • Would he blame God?
  • Does he know that people half a world away care about him?
  • Would it make a difference?

Then I was struck with how awesome God is.

See, I was thinking how desperately Abhishek needed us.

Then I realized how much I needed him!

I needed to get the focus off of my thoughts of doubts and self pity. When I see the picture of Abhishek in my mirror I realize my issues are miniscule. This life is not about me.

Christians need to realize it is not about us individually.

This is why I like missions.

Yes ,they need our prayers, encouragement and financial support. They need to know we care about them as individuals. too. But we need them as well.

We need them to help us realize we are not the center of the universe. We are in this as one body moving forward to advance the Kingdom one person at a time.