Six of us traveled to Morisseau, Haiti this past February.

We arrived on an eventful Thursday. It did not slow down until we boarded the plane to return home on Monday. Two pieces of luggage did not make it to Port Au Prince airport. Our driver, Tikin, drove 7 hours the next morning (Friday) to retrieve the 2 pieces from the airport. The luggage contained Mydlo’s clothes and the movie equipment. We could not have done it without our driver, Tikin.

About 20 minutes from the airport we spotted a dead man on the side of the road. It was surreal to see people stepping over a dead man like he was a piece of trash. For some reason I thought of his mother. I am sure when he was born she never dreamed he would die on the street and be ignored. We know God did not ignore him. Everyone is important to Him.

Just outside Port Au Prince we were stopped by the police. Immediately prayers went up. We figured with a carload of Americans he would ask for a huge fine (bribe). Nope. The officer looked at the drivers papers and let us go. Whew. Thank you Jesus!

Terry & Frank

About an hour later we had a flat tire. No problem. Just change the tire with the spare. Except the spare was flat, too. After about a 40 minute delay we had it fixed and going again.

By the time we reached the village most of the people who normally greet us had left. We were about 2.5 hours late so I don’t blame them. Momma LaGuerre treated us royally at every meal. We stayed at the LaGuerre’s home in Morisseau. She grew up in this house. She worked so hard and made us feel at home. We could not have done this trip without her.

Church Insurance Company In FloridaOn Friday morning we visited the school. We were treated to songs from the students. They even had two in English they had been preparing. It was great to see the students. Mydlo’s were the rock stars here. They brought t-shirts for each student and teacher. It said, “I am Not Forsaken.”

Mo’s ministry, “Unforsaken” has been and continues to be a tremendous asset to Mission Morisseau. They also brought each child a hand toy. They were so excited. It was a small gesture on our part but a huge impact on the children we are ministering to. They have a big heart for Morisseau.

TommyTommy was one of the original 3 with me back in 2010. Tommy also did his best Dick Van Dyke impersonation in the morning with a cookie and coffee (hehe). He worked the projector and screen on movie night. A big thank you to both. We could not have done this trip without Mo and Tommy.

After we met with students I met privately with each teacher. Each teacher does a 25 minute devotional / bible verse each morning from 8:00 am to 8:25 am. Alice translated. I asked about challenges and obstacles they face to teaching effectively. Space was the biggest followed by needing supplies. I have asked the principal to send me an estimate of cost for these.

Our number one priority is to have the new school finished before the start of next school year. We estimate another $15,000 will complete the 10 room school. Another mission has offered to put on our roof when it is ready. That will be a great help to us. Please be in prayer for the funds needed to complete this project. With each class having their own room, teaching effectiveness will increase tremendously.

Our school, which serves the children unable to attend public or Catholic school, has generated a buzz in the area. I pray our school will be an example to others what can happen if just a few believers reach out in faith.

Friday afternoon Tommy and I met with the new pastor and the Elders. We stressed accountability. I also expressed our appreciation with the detailed expense reports and school reports I receive each month. We discussed the procedure needed before money is released to the school. We also encouraged the Elders to get the church more involved with mentoring students.

Friday night Mydlo’s showed the movie, “Son of God.” It was in French but it was well received. We made popcorn and passed to everyone. Even though I don’t understand French it was a powerful movie. The rain kept some away but movie night and popcorn is a big treat for them. We should have movie night every time we visit Morisseau. It is a simple and inexpensive way of connecting and showing them we care.

Wedding Photo

Saturday morning my wife Heather and I travelled with LaGuerre’s about 4 hours to a wedding. Our school principal, Deiufaite, married his girlfriend, Hoquin. She is a very strong Christian young woman. It was a difficult trip due to engine trouble and roads but really cool. He asked me to say a few words at his wedding. I was honored. We are really blessed to have both of them working at our school.

Alice Kanel, who was born in Haiti, knows perfect Créole. She has been in the States for many years and lives in Clermont. She was there for everything and provided needed translation services. She connected with people in a way the rest of us could not. Watching her move freely and speak fluently impressed upon the rest of us to learn Haitian Créole. Whenever we spoke to the children or teachers Alice was there to help. She has a background in education. I hope she goes again. We could not have done this trip without her being there.

Carissa & FriendsCarissa did exceptionally well. She picked up the language quickly. The young girls wanted to sit with her at church. She also was our official photographer with her mom. This will not be her last trip to Haiti. Carissa connects well with the students. None of us could have done what she did.

Heather helped in everything. She was a great encouragement. She and Carissa took photos of every student and teacher. They gave each child a polaroid to take home.  Our goal is to have every child sponsored. The kids wanted to touch her face. They flocked around her.  She helped make popcorn and had the biggest job of anyone – keeping me in line. The trip would have been more difficult without her help.

We decided to divide our strengths in the following areas: I will work on the capital campaign for the building fund. Mydlo’s will help with child sponsorship. Carissa is creating a 3-5 minute power point to present the Mission. Alice has already drawn guidelines for our principal to implement. These guidelines deal with developing our teachers and empowering our principal. The teachers are also held to standards just as the principal.

Look for coming updates as Mydlo’s garner support in the child sponsorship area. We still need help with uniforms, supplies and furniture for the school. I should have the estimate on the uniforms soon.

Alice and MoIf you noticed I ended each paragraph reflecting how important each person was to making this trip successful. We are all part of this mission. Each one is important. The ones that travel come back with a clearer vision but they are not more important than anyone else. We all have gifts we are called to use as a body to grow the Kingdom of God.

This mission is supported by 3-4 families and a few individuals. We are not a church or formal group by any stretch. Our current entire annual budget is about $14,400. It comes to about $150 per student a year. It includes teacher’s salaries, lunch and supplies.

Heather & StudentsWe currently have about 100 students in grades pre-k through 5th. We have 5 teachers and a principal. In addition, we have an aide (for pre-K) and the parents take turns cooking lunch over an open fire. The school meets in the church but desperately need their own building. One has been started but stopped due to funding. Hope to get that going again soon. They are so content with so little.

Our next trip will be in late January 2017. Estimated cost of the trip will be $850-$875. The price of airline tickets and the number traveling will affect the final amount. Just know this is not a vacation. Travel is tough. Sleeping is difficult. Showering is a challenge. Electric power is limited. However, this is a life changing trip. You will see the world differently after being in Morisseau.

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support.